Difference Betwixt @Restcontroller As Well As @Controller Musical Note Inwards Boundary Mvc As Well As Rest

The @RestController notation inward Spring MVC is nil but a combination of @Controller too @ResponseBody annotation. It was added into Spring 4.0 to brand the evolution of RESTful Web Services inward Spring framework easier. If yous are familiar alongside the REST spider web services yous know that the key deviation betwixt a spider web application too a REST API is that the response from a spider web application is mostly persuasion (HTML + CSS + JavaScript)  because they are intended for human viewers acre REST API exactly render information inward shape of JSON or XML because most of the REST clients are programs. This deviation is likewise obvious inward the @Controller too @RestController annotation.

The undertaking of @Controller is to create a Map of model object too abide by a persuasion but @RestController exactly render the object too object information is straight written into HTTP response equally JSON or XML.

This tin likewise move done alongside traditional @Controller too utilization @ResponseBody notation but since this is the default demeanour of RESTful Web services, Spring introduced @RestController which combined the demeanour of @Controller too @ResponseBody together.

In short, the next 2 code snippet are equal inward Spring MVC:

@Controller @ResponseBody public class MVCController {     .. your logic }  @RestController public class RestFulController {    .... your logic }

Obviously, everybody would similar to declare exactly 1 notation instead of two. Also, the @RestController is to a greater extent than obvious too telling than the previous two. Btw, if yous are non familiar alongside Spring Core too Spring MVC, I advise yous to kickoff receive got a await at the Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru course on Udemy. One of the up-to-date too comprehensive courses to larn Spring.

What are @Controller too @RestController inward Spring?

In the Spring framework, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Controller is a aeroplane which is responsible for preparing a model Map alongside information to move displayed past times the persuasion equally good equally choosing the correct persuasion itself. It tin likewise straight write into response current past times using @ResponseBody notation too consummate the request.

The demeanour of writing straight into response current is really useful for responding calls to RESTful spider web services because their nosotros exactly render information instead of returning a persuasion equally explained inward my before post service almost how Spring MVC industrial plant internally.

If yous receive got developed RESTful Web services before Spring four similar inward Spring three or Spring 3.1, yous would receive got been familiar alongside using a combination of @Controller too @ResponseBody to create a RESTful response. Spring guys receive got cognizant of these issues too created @RestController.

Now, yous don't demand to utilization @Controller too @RestponseBody annotation, instead yous tin utilization @RestController to render the same functionality. In short, it is a convenience controller which combines the demeanour of @Controler too @Response torso into one.

If yous are interested inward developing RESTful spider web services alongside Spring too then yous tin farther bring together Eugen Paraschiv's REST alongside Spring Master class if yous are to a greater extent than curious almost learning the advanced techniques to prepare RESTFul Web Service inward Spring. One of the guided too code-focused agency to larn Spring MVC.

Difference betwixt @RestController too @Controller inward Spring

Now that, yous are familiar alongside both of these annotations, it's a adept fourth dimension to analyze about factual deviation betwixt @RestController too @Controler. This is a really of import concept, non exactly from the Interview dot of persuasion but likewise from Spring Core  Developer Certification.

 If yous are preparing for Spring certifications, yous should familiar alongside such subtle differences. Additionally, yous tin likewise receive got a await at complimentary Spring tests to acquire an thought almost examine format too aeroplane of questions.

Anyway, let's acquire dorsum to the point, hither are about of import differences betwixt these 2 annotations.

1. The @Controller is a mutual notation which is used to score a aeroplane equally Spring MVC Controller acre @RestController is a exceptional controller used inward RESTFul spider web services too the equivalent of @Controller + @ResponseBody.

2. The @RestController is relatively new, added alone on Spring 4.0 but @Controller is an erstwhile annotation, exists since Spring started supporting annotation, officially it was added on Spring 2.5 version.

3. The @Controller notation indicates that the aeroplane is a "Controller" similar a spider web controller acre @RestController notation indicates that the aeroplane is a controller where @RequestMapping methods assume @ResponseBody semantics past times default i.e. servicing REST API.

4. The @Controller is a specialization of @Component notation acre @RestController is a specialization of @Controller annotation. It is genuinely a convenience controller annotated alongside @Controller too @ResponseBody equally shown below.

public @interface RestController

too hither is how the annunciation of @Controller looks like:

public @interface Controller

5. One of the key deviation betwixt @Controler too @RestCotroller inward Spring MVC is that in 1 trial yous score a aeroplane @RestController too then every method is written a domain object instead of a view. You tin encounter Bryan Hassen's RESTful response yous demand to annotate each method alongside the @ResponseBody annotation, which is non required when yous utilization @RestController. It non alone makes your code to a greater extent than readable but likewise saves a duo of keystrokes for you.

Here is a elementary HelloWorld example using @RestController too SpringBoot framework:

 notation inward Spring MVC is nil but a combination of  Difference betwixt @RestController too @Controller Annotation inward Spring MVC too REST

That's all almost the difference betwixt @Controller too @RestController notation inward Spring MVC too REST. @RestController is nil but the shortcut to utilization both @Controller too @ResponseBody notation together.

Spring purposefully added this notation inward Spring four to brand the evolution of RESTful spider web services easier using the Spring framework. It tin straight convert the response to JSON or XML depending upon MIME type of request.

So, if yous are creating a RESTful Web Services it's improve to utilization @RestController than combining @Controller to @ResponseBody.

Further Reading
  • 23 Spring MVC Interview questions for 2 to three years experienced (list)
  • What is the utilization of DispatcherServlet inward Spring MVC? (answer)
  • 20+ Spring too REST Interview Questions (questions)
  • 3 ways to larn Spring Framework improve (article
  • How to enable Spring safety inward Java application? (answer)
  • Does Spring certification assistance inward Job too Career? (article)
  • Top v Spring Certification Mock Exams (list)
  • Difference between @Autowired too @Injection annotations inward Spring? (answer)
  • 5 Spring too Hibernate online courses for Java developers (list)
  • 10 Spring Annotation Java Developers Should Know (annotations)
  • Top v Spring Boot Features for Java Developers (features)

  • Thanks for reading this article. If yous similar this article too then delight part alongside your friends too colleagues. If yous receive got whatever questions or feedback too then delight drib a comment too I'll endeavor to reply it equally shortly equally possible.

    P. S. - If yous desire to larn to a greater extent than almost developing RESTful Web Services using Spring too Spring Security framework, I advise yous bring together Eugen Paraschiv's REST alongside Spring Certification class. Eugen has about adept real-world sense inward developing too securing RESTful spider web services inward Java too this aeroplane is a adept chance to practice goodness from his immense experience.

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