Top Xx Libraries As Well As Apis Coffee Developer Should Know

One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of API, including JDK together with third-party libraries. I spent a practiced bargain of fourth dimension learning API, specially later reading Spring together with Hibernate because they are pretty good known together with lead hold specific features.

I am by together with large including useful libraries for twenty-four hr flow to twenty-four hr flow materials e.g. logging libraries similar Log4j, JSON parsing libraries similar Jackson, together with unit of measurement testing API e.g. JUnit together with Mockito. If y'all demand to utilisation them inwards your projection thus y'all tin move either include JARs of these libraries inwards your project's classpath to kickoff using them or y'all tin move utilisation Maven for dependency management.

When y'all utilisation Maven for dependency management, thus it volition automatically download these libraries, including the libraries they depend, known equally the transitive dependency.

For example, if y'all download Spring Framework thus it volition also download all other JARs on which Spring is dependent e.g. Log4j etc.

You mightiness non realize but having the correct version of dependent JARs is a large headache. If y'all lead hold incorrect versions of the JAR thus y'all volition acquire ClassNotFoundException or NoClassDefFoundError, or UnsupportedClassVersionError.

Btw, If y'all are a beginner or intermediate Java programmer thus I also advise y'all to bring together The Complete Java MasterClass course of report on Udemy to create total the gaps inwards your knowledge. It's 1 the most up-to-date course of report inwards Java together with updated for Java 7, 8, 9, 10, together with eleven recently.

20 Useful Open Source libraries for Java Programmers

Here is my collection of merely about of the useful third-party libraries Java developers tin move utilisation inwards their application to do a lot of useful tasks. In gild to utilisation these libraries, Java developer should also hold upward familiar amongst that together with this is the whole indicate of this article. If y'all lead hold an persuasion thus y'all tin move enquiry nearly that library together with utilisation it.

1. Logging libraries
Logging libraries are real mutual because y'all demand them inwards every project. They are the most of import affair for server-side application because logs are alone placed where y'all tin move encounter what's going on your application. Even though JDK ships amongst its ain logging library, in that location are many improve alternatives are available e.g. Log4j, SLF4j, together with LogBack.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

H5N1 Java developer should hold upward familiar amongst pros together with cons of logging library together with know why using SLF4j is improve than evidently Log4j. If y'all don't know why I advise y'all read my before article on the same subject.

2. JSON parsing libraries
In today's globe of spider web services together with mesh of things (IoT), JSON has decease the go-to protocol to acquit information from customer to server. They lead hold replaced the XML equally the most preferred agency to transfer information inwards a platform-independent way. Unfortunately JDK doesn't lead hold a JSON library soundless but fortunately, in that location are many practiced third-party libraries which allows y'all to both parse together with create JSON messages e.g. Jackson together with Gson.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

H5N1 Java spider web developer should hold upward familiar amongst at to the lowest degree 1 of these libraries. If y'all desire to know to a greater extent than nearly Jackson together with JSON, I advise going through JSON amongst Java API course of report from Udemy, which they are offering inwards merely $10.99 on their New Year's Day Sale.

3. Unit testing libraries
Unit testing is the unmarried most of import affair which separates an average developer from a practiced developer. Programmers oft are given excuses for non writing unit of measurement tests but the most mutual excuse for avoiding unit of measurement testing is lack of sense together with noesis of pop unit of measurement testing library e.g. JUnit, Mockito, together with PowerMock.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

 I lead hold a destination inwards 2019 to improve my noesis of unit of measurement testing together with integration testing libraries e.g. JUnit 5, Cucumber, Robot framework etc.

I lead hold also signed upward for a JUnit together with Mockito Crash Course in Udemy. Even if y'all know JUnit together with basics of unit of measurement testing, y'all may desire to refresh together with upgrade your noesis inwards 2019.

4. General purpose libraries
There is a couplet of real practiced full general purpose, third-party library available to Java developer e.g. Apache Commons together with Google Guava. I e'er include these libraries inwards my projects because they simplify a lot of tasks. As Joshua Bloch has rightly said inwards Effective Java (now the 3rd edition is also available) that in that location is no indicate inwards re-inventing the wheels together with nosotros should prefer using tried together with tested libraries instead of writing our ain routines every at 1 time together with then.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

It's merely for a practiced Java developer to acquire himself familiar amongst Google's Guava together with Apache green library.

5. Http libraries
One affair I don't similar much nearly JDK is their lack of back upward for HTTP. Though y'all tin move brand HTTP connectedness using classes inwards bundle it's non equally like shooting fish in a barrel together with seamless equally past times using opened upward source, third-party libraries similar Apache HttpClient together with HttpCore.

Though JDK ix is bringing the back upward of HTTP 2.0 together with improve back upward for HTTP, I strongly advise all Java developers acquire familiar amongst pop HTTP customer libraries e.g. HttpClient together with HttpCore.

You tin move also check What's New inwards Java ix - Modules together with More to larn to a greater extent than nearly JDK 9's HTTP 2 support.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

6. XML parsing libraries
There are many XML parsing libraries exists e.g. Xerces, JAXB, JAXP, Dom4j, Xstream etc. Xerces2 is the side past times side generation of high performance, fully compliant XML parsers inwards the Apache Xerces family. This novel version of Xerces introduces the Xerces Native Interface (XNI), a consummate framework for edifice parser components together with configurations that is extremely modular together with like shooting fish in a barrel to program.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

The Apache Xerces2 parser is the reference implementation of XNI but other parser components, configurations, together with parsers tin move hold upward written using the Xerces Native Interface. Dom4j is merely about other flexible XML framework for Java application. If y'all desire to larn to a greater extent than nearly XML parsing inwards Java thus I advise y'all accept a hold back at Java Web Services together with XML online course of report on Udemy. It's currently available for alone $10.99 on sale.

7. Excel reading libraries
Believe it or non but all real-world application has to interact amongst Microsoft business office inwards merely about shape or other. Many application needs to furnish functionality to export information inwards Excel together with if y'all lead hold to do same from your Java application thus y'all demand Apache POI API.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

 This is a real rich library which allows y'all to both read together with write XLS files from Java program. You tin move encounter that link for a working instance of reading Excel file inwards Core Java application.

8. Bytecode libraries
If y'all are writing framework or libraries which generate code or interact amongst bytecodes thus y'all demand a bytecode library. They allow y'all to read together with modify bytecode generated past times an application. Some of the pop bytecode libraries inwards Java globe are javassist together with Cglib Nodep.
 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know
The Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation real simple. It is a flat library for editing bytecodes inwards Java. ASM is merely about other useful bytecode editing library.

9. Database connectedness puddle libraries
If y'all are interacting amongst the database from Java application but non using database connectedness puddle libraries thus y'all are missing something. Since creating connections at runtime takes fourth dimension together with makes asking processing slower, its e'er advised to utilisation DB connectedness libraries. Some of the pop ones are Commons Pool together with DBCP.

In a spider web application, it's spider web server which by together with large provides these functionalities but inwards amount Java application y'all demand to include these connectedness puddle libraries into your classpath to utilisation database connectedness pool. If y'all desire to larn to a greater extent than nearly JDBC together with connectedness puddle inwards a spider web application, I advise y'all accept a hold back at JSP, Servlet, together with JDBC for Beginners course of report inwards Udemy.

10. Messaging libraries 
Similar to logging together with database connection, messaging is also a mutual characteristic of many real-world Java application. Java provides JMS, Java Messaging Service but that's non component subdivision of JDK together with y'all demand to include split upward jms.jar. Similarly, if y'all are using third-party messaging protocol e.g. Tibco RV thus y'all demand to utilisation a third-party JAR similar tibrv.jar inwards your application classpath.

11. PDF Libraries
Similar to Microsoft Excel together with World, PDF is merely about other ubiquitous format. If y'all demand to back upward PDF functionality inwards your application e.g. exporting information inwards PDF files thus y'all tin move utilisation the iText together with Apache FOP libraries. Both furnish useful PDF related functionality but iText is richer together with improve together with I e'er preferred that one. See hither to larn to a greater extent than nearly iText.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

12. Date together with Time libraries
Before Java 8, JDK's information together with fourth dimension libraries lead hold thus many flaws e.g they were non thread-safe, immutable, together with error-prone together with many Java developer relied on JodaTime for implementing their appointment together with fourth dimension requirement. From JDK 8, in that location is no argue to utilisation Joda because y'all acquire all that functionality inwards the JDK 8's new Date together with Time API itself but if y'all are working inwards older Java version thus JodaTime is a worth learning library.

If y'all desire to larn to a greater extent than nearly novel Date together with Time API, I advise y'all to delight banking concern tally the  One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know
FastUtil is merely about other similar API, it extends the Java Collections Framework past times providing type-specific maps, sets, lists together with priority queues amongst a modest retention footprint together with fast access together with insertion; provides also large (64-bit) arrays, sets, together with lists, together with fast, practical I/O classes for binary together with text files.

14. Email APIs
The javax.mail together with Apache Commons Email - furnish an API for sending an email. It is built on overstep of the JavaMail API, which it aims to simplify.

15. HTML Parsing libraries
Similar to JSON together with XML, HMTL is merely about other mutual format many of us lead hold to bargain with. Thankfully, nosotros lead hold jsoup which greatly simplify working amongst HTML inwards Java application. You tin move utilisation JSoup to non alone parse HTML but also to create HTML documents

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

It provides a real convenient API for extracting together with manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, together with jquery-like methods. jsoup implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification together with parses HTML to the same DOM equally modern browsers do.

16.Cryptographic library
The Apache Commons Codec bundle contains unproblematic encoder together with decoders for diverse formats such as Base64 together with Hexadecimal. In add-on to these widely used encoders together with decoders, the codec bundle also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

17. Embedded SQL database library
I actually dearest in-memory database similar H2, which y'all tin move embed inwards your Java application. They are peachy for testing your SQL scripts together with running Unit tests which demand a database. Btw, H2 is non the alone DB, y'all also lead hold Apache Derby together with HSQL to select from.

18. JDBC Troubleshooting libraries
There are merely about practiced JDBC Extension libraries exists which makes debugging easier e.g. P6spy. It is a library which enables database information to hold upward seamlessly intercepted together with logged amongst no code changes to the application. You tin move utilisation these to log SQL queries together with their timings. For example, if y'all are using PreparedStatment together with CallableStatement inwards your code thus these libraries tin move log an exact telephone telephone amongst parameters together with how much fourth dimension it took to execute.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

19. Serialization libraries
Google Protocol Buffer Protocol Buffers are a agency of encoding structured information inwards an efficient soundless extensible format. It's richer together with improve choice to Java serialization together with I strongly recommend experienced Java developer to larn Google Protobuf. You tin move encounter this article to larn to a greater extent than nearly Google Protocol Buffer.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

20. Networking libraries
Some of the useful networking libraries are Netty together with Apache MINA. If y'all are writing an application where y'all demand to do low-level networking task, watch using these libraries.

 One of the traits of a practiced together with experienced Java developer is the extensive noesis of  Top 20 Libraries together with APIs Java Developer should know

That's all nearly merely about of the useful libraries every Java developer should hold upward familiar with. Java Ecosystem is real vast together with y'all volition uncovering tons of libraries for doing dissimilar things. You intend nearly something together with y'all volition uncovering in that location is a library exists to do merely that. As always, Google is your best friend to uncovering useful Java libraries but y'all tin move also accept a hold back at Maven cardinal repository to uncovering merely about of the useful libraries for your chore at hand.

If y'all similar this article, y'all may uncovering my other articles useful too:
10 Things Java Developer Should Learn inwards 2019
10 Programming Languages to explore inwards 2019
10 Frameworks Java together with Web Developers should larn inwards 2019
20 Java Books You Can Read inwards 2019
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10 PluralSight Courses for Java together with Web Developers
10 Tutorials to Learn Java 8 Better
10 tips to beocme a improve Java Programmer
10 Tools Java Developer Should Learn inwards 2019

Thanks for reading this article thus far. If y'all similar this article thus delight portion amongst your friends together with colleagues too. If y'all lead hold whatever feedback or questions thus delight drib a note. 

P.S. - If y'all desire to kickoff 2019 inwards practiced greenback thus I advise y'all to bring together The Complete Java MasterClass, 1 the most up-to-date courser. It's non updated for Java 7, 8, 9, 10, together with eleven recently.

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