How To Arrive At Invalid Target Release: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, Or 1.10 Fault Inwards Maven Build

If yous are edifice your Java projection using Maven, peradventure inward Eclipse or from the ascendence prompt past times running mvn install as well as your construct is failing amongst an mistake similar "invalid target release: 1.7" or "invalid target release: 1.8" as well as then yous receive got come upward to the right place. In this article, I'll exhibit yous the argue why this mistake occurs as well as how yous tin forcefulness out bargain amongst these errors fifty-fifty amongst higher Java version similar Java 9, 10 installed on your machine, or peradventure amongst Java xi inward the coming month. The root movement of the work is that yous receive got specified a higher Java version inward your pom.xml file for Maven compiler plugin as well as then what Maven knows inward your system, as well as that's why it's maxim invalid target release.

H5N1 uncomplicated solution to this work is either trim your target version inward pom.xml or install a novel Java version if yous desire to construct your projection inward higher version

But, the key to solving this work is knowing that Maven picks the Java version from the JAVA_HOME variable as well as non from the PATH surroundings variable. 

This agency fifty-fifty if yous receive got JDK 8 installed but if your JAVA_HOME is all the same referring to JDK 1.7 as well as then yous volition acquire this error.

Thankfully, yous tin forcefulness out abide by out that, I hateful which version of Java your Maven is using. Just run the mvn -version ascendence from the ascendence prompt as well as it volition impress the value of JAVA_HOME variable as well as confirm that which version of JDK it is using to construct your project.

Btw, if yous are starting amongst Java as well as Maven as well as non familiar amongst primal concepts similar PATH, CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME etc, I propose yous to The Complete Java Masterclass to acquire to a greater extent than those as well as how Java plant inward general, as well as if yous desire to acquire Maven or only refresh the basic concepts, Maven Crash Course is a prissy course of report to starting fourth dimension with.

Invalid target release: 1.7 

Recently I was edifice a Java projection using Maven on my one-time machine when I encountered this error. I idea I receive got the latest Java version which I had as well as that's why I surprised amongst this error.

Here is what my Maven pom.xml looks like:

<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0</version> <configuration> <source>1.7</source> <target>1.7</target> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> </configuration> </plugin>

Here is an illustration output of mvn -version:

$ mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.2.3 (33f8c3e1027c3ddde99d3cdebad2656a31e8fdf4; 2019-08-12T04:58:10+08:00
Maven home: C:\apache-maven-3.2.3
Java version: 1.6.0_37, vendor: Dominicus Microsystems Inc.
Java home: C:\jdk1.6.0_37\jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: Cp1252
OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "x86", family: "windows"

You tin forcefulness out consider that Maven inward my machine was using JDK 1.6.0_37 as well as that's why when I was edifice my Maven projection amongst JDK 1.7 equally the target it was failing.

Once I updated the pom.xml to purpose target 1.6 the construct was started working.

Because Java vii was non required for my project, I only had to alter the Maven compile plugin equally follows:

<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId> <version>3.0</version> <configuration> <source>1.6</source> <target>1.6</target> <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> </configuration> </plugin>

But, if yous receive got to construct your Java projection amongst JDK 1.7 as well as then only install as well as update your JAVA_HOME variable as well as this mistake volition acquire away.

This solution is actually prissy equally yous tin forcefulness out solve the work immediately. Btw, if yous desire to acquire nearly Maven itself, I propose yous receive got a hold off at the Windows and Linux.

Btw, If yous are working inward the restricted surroundings similar in a big company where Software is deployed automatically as well as can't add together or edit an surroundings variable, yous tin forcefulness out all the same alter them inward the local rhythm out equally shown inward my before article How to laid a specific Java version for Maven inward Windows.

 If yous are edifice your Java projection using  How to laid upward invalid target release: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, or 1.10 Error inward Maven Build

Invalid target release: 1.9

This mistake volition come upward if your maven compiler plugin has <target>1.9</target> but JAVA_HOME variable inward your machine is referring to a Java version which is lower than JDK 1.9 e.g. JDK 1.8 or JDK 1.7.

As explained inward the previous department either alter the target into pom.xml or install a novel JDK as well as updated the JAVA_HOME surroundings variable to betoken out novel JDK bin directory.

Since Maven uses JAVA_HOME, it volition non solve the work until yous update this surroundings variable, fifty-fifty if yous receive got installed the right version of Java.

Similarly, yous volition acquire Invalid target release: 1.10 if yous compile using <target>1.10</target> and your JAVA_HOME is referring to JDK nine or JDK 8.

Now yous tin forcefulness out generalize this work as well as solve depending upon which version of Java yous receive got specified inward your pom.xml as well as which version of Java is installed on your machine as well as referred past times the JAVA_HOME surroundings variable.

Further Learning
Maven Crash Course
  • How to increase the heap size of Maven? (steps)
  • How to laid upward Maven Eclipse Dependency search non working issue? (solution)
  • How to install Maven inward Windows 10? (steps)
  • How to construct a Java projection using ANT? (article)
  • How to exercise or modify build.xm inward ANT? (tutorial)
  • Top five Apache Maven Books for Free (books)
  • 10 Points nearly Maven Java Developer should know (maven)
  • 10 Maven Plugins Every Java Developers should know (plugins)
  • 6 Free Maven as well as Jenkins Courses for Java developers (courses)
  • How to laid a specific Java version for Maven (tutorial)
  • Thanks for reading this article thence far. If yous grapple to solve your work past times next these tips as well as then delight part amongst your friends as well as colleagues. If yous are all the same facing issues as well as then delight driblet a depository fiscal establishment complaint as well as nosotros may live on able to solve your work together.

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