Synchronousqueue Illustration Inwards Coffee - Produer Consumer Solution

SynchronousQueue is exceptional form of BlockingQueue in which each insert functioning must human face for a corresponding take functioning yesteryear closed to other thread, as well as vice versa. When y'all telephone outcry upward put() method on SynchronousQueue it blocks until closed to other thread is at that spot to possess got that chemical constituent out of the Queue. Similarly, if a thread tries to take an chemical constituent as well as no chemical constituent is currently present, that thread is blocked until closed to other thread puts an chemical constituent into the queue. You tin dismiss correlated SynchronousQueue with athletes (threads) running alongside Olympic torch, they run alongside torch (object demand to endure passed) as well as passes it to other athlete waiting at other end.

If y'all pay attending to the name, y'all volition besides sympathise that it is named SynchronousQueue with a reason, it passes information synchronously to other thread; it human face for the other political party to possess got the information instead of simply putting information as well as returning (asynchronous operation).

If y'all are familiar alongside CSP and Ada, thence y'all know that synchronous queues are like to rendezvous channels. They are good suited for hand-off designs, inward which an object running inward i thread must sync upward alongside an object running inward closed to other thread inward lodge to mitt it closed to information, event, or task.

In before multi-threading tutorials nosotros possess got learned how to solve producer consumer work using wait as well as notify, and BlockingQueue and inward this tutorial nosotros volition larn how to implement producer consumer blueprint pattern using synchronous queue.

This course of didactics besides supports an optional fairness policy for ordering waiting producer as well as consumer threads. By default, this ordering is non guaranteed. However, a queue constructed alongside fairness holding laid to truthful grants threads access inward FIFO order.

Producer Consumer using SynchronousQueue inward Java

As I possess got said before, goose egg is amend than a producer consumer work to sympathise inter-thread communication inward whatever programming language. In Producer consumer problem, i thread human activity every bit producer which produces trial or draw of piece of work as well as other thread human activity every bit consumer. Shared buffer is used to transfer information from producer to consumer.

Difficulty inward solving producer consumer work comes alongside border cases e.g. producer must human face if buffer is total or consumer thread must human face if buffer is empty.  Later i was quite slow every bit blocking queue provides non exclusively buffer to shop information but besides menses command to block thread calling put() method (PRODUCER) if buffer is full, as well as blocking thread calling take() method (CONSUMER) if buffer is empty.

In this tutorial, nosotros volition solve the same work using SynchronousQueue, a exceptional form of concurrent collection which has null capacity.

in which each insert functioning must human face for a corresponding take functioning yesteryear closed to other t SynchronousQueue Example inward Java - Produer Consumer Solution

In next example, nosotros possess got 2 threads which is named PRODUCER and CONSUMER (you should e'er cite your threads, this is i of the best practise of writing concurrent application).

First thread, publishing cricket score, as well as minute thread is consuming it. Cricket scores are goose egg but a String object here.

If y'all run the plan every bit it is y'all won't discovery whatever matter different. In lodge to sympathise how SynchronousQueue works, as well as how it solves producer consumer problem, y'all either demand to debug this plan inward Eclipse or simply get-go producer thread yesteryear commenting consumer.start(); If consumer thread is non running thence producer volition block at queue.put(event); call, as well as y'all won't see [PRODUCER] published trial : FOUR.

This happens because of exceptional behavior of SynchronousQueue, which guarantees that the thread inserting information volition block until at that spot is a thread to take that information or vice-versa. You tin dismiss essay the other role of code yesteryear commenting producer.start(); and exclusively starting consumer thread.

import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;  /**  * Java Program to solve Producer Consumer work using SynchronousQueue. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1  * telephone outcry upward to put() volition block until at that spot is a corresponding thread to take() that  * element.  *  * @author Javin Paul  */ public class SynchronousQueueDemo{      public static void main(String args[]) {          final SynchronousQueue<String> queue = new SynchronousQueue<String>();          Thread producer = new Thread("PRODUCER") {             public void run() {                 String trial = "FOUR";                 try {                     queue.put(event); // thread volition block here                     System.out.printf("[%s] published trial : %s %n", Thread                             .currentThread().getName(), event);                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {                     e.printStackTrace();                 }              }         };          producer.start(); // starting publisher thread          Thread consumer = new Thread("CONSUMER") {             public void run() {                 try {                     String trial = queue.take(); // thread volition block here                     System.out.printf("[%s] consumed trial : %s %n", Thread                             .currentThread().getName(), event);                 } catch (InterruptedException e) {                     e.printStackTrace();                 }              }         };          consumer.start(); // starting consumer thread      }  }  Output: [CONSUMER] consumed trial : FOUR  [PRODUCER] published trial : FOUR 

If y'all possess got post the output carefully thence y'all would possess got noticed that lodge of events are reversed. Seems [CONSUMER] thread is consuming information fifty-fifty before [PRODUCER] thread has produced it. This happens because yesteryear default SynchronousQueue doesn't guarantee whatever order, but it has a fairness policy, which if laid to truthful allows access to threads inward FIFO order. You tin dismiss enable this fairness policy yesteryear passing truthful to overloaded constructor of SynchronousQueue i.e. new SynchronousQueue(boolean fair).

Things to call upward most SynchronousQueue inward Java

Here are closed to of the of import properties of this exceptional blocking queue inward Java. It's rattling useful to transfer information from i thread to closed to other thread synchronously. It doesn't possess got whatever capacity as well as blocks until at that spot is a thread on the other end.

1) SynchronousQueue blocks until closed to other thread is gear upward to possess got the element, i thread is trying to put.

2) SynchronousQueue has null capacity.

3) SynchronousQueue is used to implement queuing strategy of  direct hand-off, where thread hands-off to waiting thread, else creates novel i if allowed, else draw of piece of work rejected.

4) This queue does non permit null elements, adding null elements volition trial inward NullPointerException.

5) For purposes of other Collection methods (for illustration contains), a SynchronousQueue acts every bit an empty collection.

6) You cannot peek at a synchronous queue because an chemical constituent is exclusively introduce when y'all effort to take it; Similarly y'all cannot insert an chemical constituent (using whatever method) unless closed to other thread is trying to take it.

7) You cannot iterate over SynchronousQueue as at that spot is goose egg to iterate.

8) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 SynchronousQueue constructed alongside fairness policy laid to truthful grants threads access inward FIFO order.

That's all most SynchronousQueue inward Java. We possess got seen closed to exceptional holding of this exceptional concurrent collection, as well as learned how to solve classical producer consumer work using SynchronousQueue inward Java.  By the agency calling it a Queue is combat confusing because it doesn't possess got whatever capacity to concord your element. Call to put() functioning volition non consummate until at that spot is a thread which is calling take() operation. It's amend endure a rendezvous betoken betwixt threads to portion objects. In other words, its a utility to synchronously portion information betwixt 2 threads inward Java, likely a safer alternative of wait as well as notify methods.

Further Learning
Multithreading as well as Parallel Computing inward Java
Java Concurrency inward Practice - The Book
Applying Concurrency as well as Multi-threading to Common Java Patterns
Java Concurrency inward Practice Course yesteryear Heinz Kabutz

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