How To Mail Http Asking From Unix Or Linux? Purpose Whorl Or Wget Command

You tin flame operate either curl or wget dominance to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX or Linux operating system. Both commands allow yous to transportation GET together with POST request, which agency yous tin flame likewise telephone telephone REST spider web services.  I accept a Java spider web application, which runs on Linux together with exposes WebServices. I was writing a UNIX script to download In roughly information from that spider web service when I hitting past times the question, how create I brand an HTTP telephone telephone from UNIX? What is the UNIX dominance should I use? If yous are likewise facing the same question, together with thus yous accept come upwardly to correct place. Basically, yous tin flame operate 2 UNIX commands to brand the HTTP request, wget, together with curl. You tin flame operate whorl together with wget to transportation both GET together with POST HTTP request. My operate instance was rather simple, I only involve to brand a GET telephone telephone to spider web service to download the data, but these 2 commands are real powerful together with render many unlike options to interact amongst the spider web using HTTP correct from the shell.

Between wget together with curl (also known every bit cURL), whorl (I telephone telephone it "karl") is my favorite. Why? I think because I accept used it to a greater extent than oftentimes than wget :-). You tin flame brand your choices if yous accept practiced cognition of Linux dominance describe of piece of job together with that's why I advise every Java developer to read The Linux Command Line: H5N1 Complete Reference, the best way to larn efficient inwards Linux. Now let's run across how to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX using  the whorl command.

 dominance to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX or Linux operating organisation How to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX or Linux? Use whorl or wget command

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UNIX dominance to transportation HTTP GET request

Here is i instance of calling spider web service from Linux crunch past times sending HTTP GET request using cURL command:

$ whorl,uk&appid=bd82977b86bf27fb59a04b61b657fb6f {"coord":{"lon":-0.13,"lat":51.51},"weather":[{"id":804,"main":"Clouds","description":"overcast clouds","icon":"04n"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":282,"pressure":1022,"humidity":87,"temp_min":277.15,"temp_max":285.15},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":1.5},"clouds":{"all":90},"dt":1445577409,"sys":{"type":1,"id":5093,"message":0.0201,"country":"GB","sunrise":1445582275,"sunset":1445619056},"id":2643743,"name":"London","cod":200} 

You tin flame likewise specify timeout using -m choice every bit shown below:

$ whorl -m 2,uk&appid=bd82977b86bf27fb59a04b61b657fb6f

This asking volition timeout inwards 2 seconds if it doesn't have whatever response.

You tin flame likewise operate wget to transportation HTTP asking together with download the data. Only departure betwixt curl together with wget is that curl volition impress output inwards console together with wget volition shop it inwards the file e.g.

$ wget http://localhost:8080/index.html

volition download the content of index.html together with shop into a file amongst the same name.

Here is how yous tin flame operate whorl to download wget dominance inwards UNIX:

 dominance to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX or Linux operating organisation How to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX or Linux? Use whorl or wget command

UNIX dominance to transportation HTTP POST request

You tin flame likewise operate whorl to transportation HTTP postal service request. All yous involve to create is operate the --data choice to specify the information yous desire to POST to spider web service e.g.

$ curl --data "param1=value1&param2=value2" http://locahost:8080/weather

if yous desire to transportation a information from file to spider web service, yous tin flame likewise operate the next command:

$ whorl -X POST -d @filename http://locahost:8080/weather

Similarly, if yous desire to upload a file yous tin flame create thus past times executing the next command:

$ whorl --form "fileupload=@filename.txt" http://locahost:8080/weather

That's all nearly how to transportation HTTP asking from UNIX together with Linux. It's simple, only recall whorl together with wget command. yous tin flame explore their choice past times using human being wget together with human being curl. Also, recall the departure betwixt whorl together with wget, erstwhile prints the output inwards the console land afterwards shop the response inwards the same file every bit requested. I personally similar whorl because it's easier to operate but if yous similar wget stick amongst it.

Further Learning
Linux Command Line Basics
  • 10 examples of grep dominance inwards UNIX (examples)
  • 10 examples of appointment dominance inwards Linux (examples)
  • How to larn IP address from hostname together with vice-versa inwards Linux (command)
  • 10 examples of xargs dominance inwards Linux (examples)
  • 10 examples of tar dominance inwards UNIX (examples)
  • 10 examples of Vim inwards UNIX (examples)
  • How to create, update together with delete soft link inwards UNIX (command)
  • How to delete empty files together with directory inwards UNIX (solution)
  • How to brand directory tree inwards i command? (example)
  • How to how long declaration of a procedure inwards Solaris (command)
  • UNIX dominance to notice out how long a procedure is running? (answer)
  • UNIX dominance to notice the size of file together with directory? (command)
  • 5 examples of variety dominance inwards Linux (examples)
  • 5 examples of kill dominance inwards Linux (examples)
  • 10 examples of chmod dominance inwards UNIX (examples)
  • 10 tips to piece of job fast inwards UNIX? (tips)

  • Thanks for reading this article thus far. If yous similar this article together with thus delight portion amongst your friends together with colleagues. If yous accept whatever questions or feedback together with thus delight drib a note.

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