Jersey Spider Web Service Hello Footing Event Inward Java

After Restlet, Jersey is about other pop opened upward source framework to do RESTful spider web services inwards Java. Bailiwick of Jersey conforms JAX-RS specification in addition to genuinely it is the reference implementation of JAX-RS (JSR 311)(">Restlet HelloWorld Example in addition to today we'll run across the Jersey HelloWorld Example. Typically, when a developer thinks of creating a RESTful spider web service using Java, they assume that using a Java EE application server is the alone agency to do this type of application. However, at that topographic point are simpler, lightweight option methods for creating RESTful applications available using Java SE. This tutorial demonstrates ane such option using the Grizzly Web server along alongside the Bailiwick of Jersey REST framework. Grizzly's primary utilisation instance is the spider web server element for the GlassFish application server.

Jersey HelloWorld Example

Here is the unproblematic RESTful Web Service do using Bailiwick of Jersey REST framework. This service returns a message when a GET asking is sent to the "/hello" URL. If the asking also contains a asking parameter in addition to thus it is used inwards the response message.

import; import; import;  @Path(value = "/hello") public class JerseyHelloWorldRESTService {  @GET @Path(value="/{param}") public String hello(@PathParam(value = "param") String name){  return "Hello " + advert + ", Welcome to Jersy globe of RESTful spider web service"; }  }


Starting jersey grizzly ...
Jun 01, 2019 3:57:19 PM com.sun.jersey.api.core.PackagesResourceConfig init
INFO: Scanning for beginning resources in addition to provider classes inwards the packages:

Jun 01, 2019 3:57:19 PM com.sun.jersey.api.core.ScanningResourceConfig logClasses
INFO: Root resources classes found:
degree JerseyHelloWorldRESTService
Jun 01, 2019 3:57:19 PM com.sun.jersey.api.core.ScanningResourceConfig init
INFO: No provider classes found.
Exception inwards thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No container provider supports the type degree org.glassfish.grizzly.http.server.HttpHandler
at com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerFactory.createContainer(
at com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerFactory.createContainer(
at com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly2.GrizzlyServerFactory.createHttpServer(
at JerseyServer.startServer(
at JerseyServer.main(

If you lot acquire the inwards a higher house fault in addition to thus you lot tin add together next maven dependency (org.glassfish.jersey.containers jersey-container-jdk-http ) to solve the"):
    <dependency>         <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey.containers</groupId>         <artifactId>jersey-container-jdk-http</artifactId>         <version>2.18</version>     </dependency> 

You could modify the version according to your environment. Remember the exception's fault message says "No container provider supports the type interface". This dependency provides the container needed to run the Jersey.

Beware of departure betwixt Bailiwick of Jersey in addition to Jersey2

It's real slow to confuse alongside 2 dissimilar version of Jersey, inwards the start version the classes belongs to com.sun.jersey in addition to inwards minute the framework classes goes to org.glassfish.jersey. Essentially alone the parcel is dissimilar merely alongside diverse subject JAR, it's real slow that JARs from Bailiwick of Jersey 1.x mixed alongside JARs from Jersey2.x in addition to raising dreaded NoClassDefFoundError in addition to it's closed cousin ClassNotFoundException.

The parcel advert changed because Bailiwick of Jersey squad is straight off purpose of Glassfish. The version below 2 was using com.sun.jersey parcel merely straight off since the fellowship is dissimilar they are using org.glassfish.jersey. And Yes, at that topographic point are about to a greater extent than differences inwards code betwixt version 1.x in addition to 2.x. Key takeaway doesn't mix classes in addition to JARS from Bailiwick of Jersey 1.x alongside Bailiwick of Jersey 2.x, run across here for to a greater extent than details on the error.

That's all well-nigh Jersey Hello globe example.  Jersey framework is to a greater extent than than the JAX-RS Reference Implementation. Bailiwick of Jersey provides its ain API that extends the JAX-RS toolkit alongside additional features in addition to utilities to farther simplify RESTful service in addition to customer development. Bailiwick of Jersey also exposes numerous extension SPIs thus that developers may extend Bailiwick of Jersey to best suit their needs.

Further Learning
REST Java Web Services
REST API Design, Development & Management
  • Top 10 REST Web Service Interview Questions (answer)
  • Spring HelloWorld Example using Dependency Injection (tutorial)
  • The departure betwixt PUT vs POST inwards REST Web Service? (article)
  • How to do JDBC connective puddle using Spring? (tutorial)
  • How to parse large JSON response using Jackson? (tutorial)
  • 20 Hibernate Interview Questions for Java developers (article)
  • The departure betwixt Idempotent in addition to prophylactic methods inwards HTTP? (answer)
  • How to convert JSON array to String array inwards Java? (tutorial)

  • P.S. - If you lot desire to acquire how to prepare RESTful Web Services using Spring Framework, banking concern tally out Eugen Paraschiv's REST alongside Spring course. He has lately launched the certification version of the course, which is total of exercises in addition to examples to farther cement the existent globe concepts you lot volition acquire from the course.

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